BattleAxe - Polycarbonate 14Teeth Piston - PT1011

BattleAxe - Polycarbonate 14Teeth Piston - PT1011

  • $5.50


  • Essential part for upgrading your airsoft AEG.
  • Reinforced steel teeth piston.(1 steel front teeth)
  • 14 full teeth design for high straight gear set.
  • Lightweight piston with high impact-durability.
  • Suitable for mainstream high-speed tune-up and has excellent operational characteristics.
  • Reinforced piston provide extra duration during rapid & prolonged firing.
  • The Grease grooves cut on the rail-guides keep it lubricated
  • Suitable for Airsoft Electric AEG all gearbox version.
  • As always, upgrading AEG require necessary skill & technique to dissemble the gearbox, consult expertise if needed.
  • BX-PT1011